In the context of the PRESENCE 2008 Conference organised in Padova by the International Society for Presence Research (ISPR) and the Human Technology Lab (HTLab) at the University of Padua, academic researchers studied presence, content and technology developers, and interested commercial parties had an occasion to meet, share experiences, present research, and exchange ideas.
A Panel session, chaired by the CALLAS project director, Massimo Bertoncini of Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA, , dedicated to discuss "Presence in performing digital art", was in the agenda of PRESENCE 2008 October 17, dedicated to CALLAS research perspectives and achieved goals, that hosted an introduction to the project (see CALLAS Short Abstract for Conference Proceeding) and the discussion of CALLAS showcased technology at Virtuali/Virtuoosi miniopera (Helsinki) and Galileo in Hell (Milan). Videos of the performances were illustrated and discussed.
See 17/Oct/2008 Press Release (Italian)
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