Members of the C³ are provided with the exclusive opportunity to attend valuable training activities on specific aspects of the project.
CALLAS training modules cover a wide range of topics and are tailored for different types of trainees, presenting CALLAS outcomes to potential end-users through trade-shows, demonstrations, workshops and dedicated meetings. Major reference sessions occurred in 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007.
Prof. Elisabeth Andre' of University of Augsburg was invited speaker at a Seminars hold at Human Interface Technology Laboratory and at Waikato University in New Zealand, in February 4, where she presented the topic of "Towards emotional Sensitivity in Human-Computer Interaction".
Prof. Andre' of University of Augsburg was invited speaker at the Jack Baskin School of Engineering at UCSC on November 13 in San Jose' (USA), where she illustrated interaction modalities and Smart Sensor Integration experimented in CALLAS.
Prof. Catherine Pelachaud of Paris Telecom held a training seminar on November 13 in Grenoble (F) at the 21'me Conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine iHM09 illustrating the ECAs "Interagir avec un agent virtuel expressif".
During the CRI (Caesarea Rothschild Institute) Minerva School session in Haifa, Prof. Andre' of University of Augsburg was invited speaker and illustrated the topic of "Multimodal fusion in context-aware environments" with reference to CALLAS artistic installation eTree.
A CALLAS Training occurred during the eNTERFACE'09 Summer Workshop, held in Genova from July 13 to August 7 2009. Within its program , CALLAS organised two specific training workshops targeted to students, researchers, and seniors [see procedure for applicants] promoted also through CALLAS Newsletters about two topics:
- AVLaughterCycle: The project developed an audiovisual laughing machine capable of recording the laughter of a user and to respond to it with a machine generated laughter to progressively turn an initially forced laughter into a spontaneous one.
- Interactivity of an affective puppet:The project integrated a variety of available components and fine-tuned the multimodal and affective interactive loops of a computer animated puppet. As a result a the first virtual puppet computer-animated was built, providing interactive loops with the spectators through multimodal and affective interfaces.
A special session, occurred in Roma (IT) as a Training for Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia , 2009 April 21-23. The main goal was to provide training for the museum staff, enabling them to operate and support the CALLAS MusicKiosk installation at MUSA, to facilitate validation with visiting students.
During the fFORTE-WIT-Women in Technology event, Wien (Austria) 2009 May 29, Prof. Andre' of University of Augsburg gave a talk illustrating how modelling and simulation of behaviours are an essential factor for successful man-machine communication.
A specific tutorial session took place during AIAI 2009, Thessaloniki: April 24, 2009, illustrating multimodality topics. A reference article was published:
Multimodal Emotion Recognition in HCI Environments: Abstract
CALLAS participated to COST 2102 3rd International Training School in Dublin. The workshop explored the development of multimodal interfaces: active listening and synchrony.
A CALLAS Paper was presented at the event: Modelling multimodal expression of emotion in a virtual agent: Abstract
During the Summer Shool in Grenoble organised on 27-29 October 2008 , in memory of the scientist Christian Benoit, a workshop was dedicated to the topics of speech and face to face communication. The workshop program hosted a presentation of a CALLAS paper dealing with Adaptive behavior in conversational agents.
Using Facial Expressions to Display Empathy in ECAs: Abstract.
First experimentation of formats for training modules took place in Rome on 29-30 October 2008 (see here). A group of interest about the subject was open at C3 pages.
A Training course was held during the HCSNet SummerFest by Prof. Pelachaud (from Universite' Paris 8, member of the CALLAS Consortium) to provide an overview on ECAs, their potential use and the technologies involved in their creation.
A lecture on Multimedia was presented by Prof. Karpouzis (from ICCS, member of the CALLAS Consortium) in the program of the five-day of the technology transfer event on "Multi-Sensory Modalities in Cognitive Science" that took place from 15 to 19 September in Cognitive Science Summerschool in Volterra, Italy.
A Project was developed during eNTERFACE 2008 Summer School in Paris, dealing with Multimodal Communication with Robots and Virtual Agents: details of the project programme. A reference proceeding was published:
Multimodal Feedback from Robots and Agents in a Storytelling Experiment : see Abstract
The Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2007, Borovets (Bulgaria) 2007 September 24, was preceeded by three days tutorials delivered by distinguished lecturers, among which Prof. Elisabeth Andre' of University of Augsburg who presented the elements of "Speech-Based Multimodal Dialogue".