IVA 2007, Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Conference, took place in Paris, France. IVA events represent a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry with an interest in the design, implementation, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) and their applications. Two CALLAS Papers were in the agenda of the conference, related to GRETA, the CALLAS ECA output component:By Bevacqua, Elisabetta / Tellier, Marion / Pelachaud, Catherine [Université Paris 8] Heylen, Dirk [University of Twente, The Netherlands] "Searching for Prototypical Facial Feedback Signals" Abstract
By Mancini, Maurizio / Pelachaud, Catherine [Université Paris 8] "Dynamic Behavior Qualifiers for Conversational Agents" Abstract
By Mancini, Maurizio / Pelachaud, Catherine [Université Paris 8] "Dynamic Behavior Qualifiers for Conversational Agents" Abstract