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Home All Events 1-5/Sept/08: HCI'08

1-5/Sept/08: HCI'08

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HCI 2008 is the 22nd Annual Conference of the British HCI Group, a specialist group of the British Computer Society. Established in 1985, the conference has become the premier annual conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Europe.
HCI 2008 took place at Liverpool, the tag line for 2008 being “Culture, Creativity, Interaction”, reflecting the fact that in 2008 Liverpool is the European Capital of Culture.
The conference included an exciting range of presentations, panels, workshops, tutorials, interactive demonstrations and opportunities to interact with fellow researchers, practitioners, educators and users.
Representatives of the CALLAS Consortium attended the Conference where a CALLAS Paper was presented

By Matthias Rehm, Nikolaus Bee, Elisabeth André [University of Augsburg]
"Wave Like an Egyptian — Accelerometer Based Gesture Recognition for Culture Specific Interactions": Abstract
Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 14:25